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The Hidden Wounds: Exploring 10 Non-Sexual Acts of Betrayal
Pause, Reflect, Decide: The Middle-Aged Man's Guide to Choosing Right Reflecting on the dissolution of my 27-year marriage, I'm struck by how betrayal can take many forms beyond the obvious....
How to stop and reverse ageing – the mTor pathway
Imagine a tiny switch inside your body that decides when your cells should grow, divide, and use energy. This switch is called mTOR, short for mechanistic Target of Rapamycin. It plays a crucial...
How to silence your inner critic
For years, the inner critic had been a constant companion, whispering doubts and fostering insecurities. The journey to quiet this relentless voice and show me true self-love and self-compassion was...
The Johari Window: A Tool for Self-Discovery and Better Relationships
Ever felt like you're not sure who you really are? Or maybe you're struggling to connect with others on a deeper level? If you're like me at the moment, feeling a bit lost and searching for more...
Building Resilience: Choosing to Become Better, Not Bitter
2024 brought me challenges I could have never imagined. Ultimately, I had to decide whether to lose my mind or find it. In my conscious mind, I knew that life is full of challenges, setbacks, and...
A Message To The Men I Know
Going through a divorce and other life challenges, I was keeping to myself over recent months. Not to isolate but rather to heal. I am slowly coming out of this phase and have rekindled friendships...
Beyond Fight or Flight: Discover the 7 Hidden Trauma Responses Every Person Should Know
Understanding Trauma Responses After a gang assault at the tender age of 13, I changed irreversibly. At first, I was the victim. Within a short period of time, I became a survivor. I became Rambo....
A first-person account of past-life regression
This week, I had the privilege of working with Craig Meriwether, a hypnotherapist from Arizona. He had been a guest on my show Neff Inspiration, and we immediately hit it off. After the show, we...
Beyond the Sheets: Why Sex is Your Secret Superpower
Sex is a fundamental aspect of human life, not only serving as a means for reproduction but also offering numerous physical, psychological, and relational benefits. Engaging in regular sexual...