Master Your Energy with Functional Care

Master Your Energy with Functional Care

Have you ever felt like your energy tank is running on fumes? Maybe you wake up feeling more tired than when you went to bed, or by mid-afternoon, you’re practically begging for a nap. It doesn’t have to be this way. Energy isn’t just about coffee and willpower; it’s...
Are You Swimming in a Toxic Soup?

Are You Swimming in a Toxic Soup?

Imagine this: you’re ready to dive into life, full of energy and ambition. But instead of crystal-clear waters, you find yourself swimming in a thick, murky soup. What’s in it? Invisible toxins, stress, bad food choices, poor sleep, and even past trauma. It’s no...
500 John David Graham: From Homeless To Business Owner To Author – A Second-Chance Journey

500 John David Graham: From Homeless To Business Owner To Author – A Second-Chance Journey

Don’t miss this inspiring interview with John Graham, a man who went from homelessness to award-winning author and founder of GOOD SAMARITAN HOME. Hear his incredible journey of resilience, second chances, and the power of persistence. Watch now and learn how...
Balance Your Gut, Balance Your Life

Balance Your Gut, Balance Your Life

Did you know that your gut is often referred to as your “second brain”? It’s true! The health of your gut plays a massive role in your overall well-being, from your immune system to your mood and even how much energy you have. If your gut is out of...
499 Bev Mitelman: Your Attachment Style Predicts The Quality Of Your Relationships

499 Bev Mitelman: Your Attachment Style Predicts The Quality Of Your Relationships

Watch it on YouTubeListen as a Podcast As a child, Bev Mitelman lived in a very unpredictable and chaotic environment where she never knew if she could rely on her parents to meet her emotional needs. This led her to absorb unhealthy relationship ideas based on what...
Interview 498 Jason Stanley: Heal your compulsive emotional eating Food Monster

Interview 498 Jason Stanley: Heal your compulsive emotional eating Food Monster

Ready to conquer your “Food Monster”? Join Jason Stanley, social research scientist, as he uncovers the real root of obesity: compulsive emotional eating. Learn how to break free from the cycle and stop eating past full. Watch now and discover lasting...
497 Ria Flanagan: The ” Happiness Is An Inside Job Playbook”

497 Ria Flanagan: The ” Happiness Is An Inside Job Playbook”

Join Ria Flanagan, Clinical Supervisor at Rise Up Recover, as she dives into healing from addiction, trauma, and mental health struggles. Discover her unique approach using EMDR, Somatic Experiencing, and more. Watch now to explore betrayal trauma, love addiction, and...
496 Austin Davis: How Does The Current State of America Influence Teenage Drug Addiction?

496 Austin Davis: How Does The Current State of America Influence Teenage Drug Addiction?

Join Austin Davis, CEO of Clearfork Academy and author of My Kid, My Crisis, as he unpacks the root causes of teenage substance abuse in today’s America. Discover how isolation impacts addiction, and learn top tips for supporting troubled teens and finding the...
The Battle of Hunger Hormones: How Leptin and Ghrelin Impact Weight Gain and Weight Loss

The Battle of Hunger Hormones: How Leptin and Ghrelin Impact Weight Gain and Weight Loss

Imagine two characters who live inside your body and control your feelings of hunger and fullness: Leptin and Ghrelin. Think of them like classic characters in any good story – they’re opposite forces. Leptin is like a wise mentor who tries to keep things balanced and...