Join me, Carolyn Sophia Skowron, on my journey from feeling like an outsider to finding strength and resilience. Discover how I overcame depression, anxiety, and Nonverbal Learning Disability (NVLD) to become an advocate for mental health. Tune in to my show for inspiration, hope, and the power of self-awareness. Listen now!
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My name is Carolyn Sophia Skowron. I am someone who has always felt like an outsider. From a young age, I struggled to make friends, fit in and be my true, authentic self. I grew up feeling like I never fit in and never was good enough. I spent most of my life internalizing every situation. I always thought people didn’t like me. What I failed to realize was that part of why I internalize so much is because I have something called Nonverbal Learning Disability or NVLD. I was diagnosed with this in my sophomore year of high school and started to get answers, but I still struggled with depression and anxiety.
All of the things I have lived through and conquered have built me into who I am today. For the longest time, my building blocks were depression, anxiety, self-doubt, and self-hatred. After fully buying into therapy and mindfulness my building blocks are now filled with resilience, strength, adaptability, and positivity. Everyone has their own building blocks as to what makes them themselves. Being self-aware and knowing your building blocks is crucial when trying to build a happy and healthy life.
I love to help other people feel less alone and give inspiration to others that hope is real and that you can overcome mental health struggles and get through anything. I published my first book ‘unbreakable’ in 2021 because I am so passionate about helping others feel less alone and I want to help end the stigma around mental health. I have struggled a lot with depression and anxiety in my own life that I want others to know they are not alone and that with the right healthy coping mechanisms they can get through anything. I also am a public speaker because I believe my mission in life is to use my voice to give the voiceless hope.
3 Top Tips
Healthy coping mechanisms, Resilience, Helping end the stigma .